A phygital
machine show

We virtually extend one physical machine part and enable our client to present their entire machine in action.

The Challenge

Traditional trade shows often face the challenge of physically showcasing large and complex machinery. Transportation, setup, and space constraints can limit the ability to effectively demonstrate these machines. Kolbus faced the added challenge of not being able to bring their entire machine to the fair. To overcome this, they needed to find a way to demonstrate their innovative power and engineering excellence to visitors.

The Solution

We created the Kolbus XR app to extend one physical machine part virtually. Through the use of VR (Virtual Reality), AR (Augmented Reality), and MR (Mixed Reality) technologies, Kolbus XR creates a seamless integration of the digital and physical worlds.

One of the standout features of the Kolbus XR application is its ability to demonstrate the inner workings of the machinery. Visitors can visualize the internal processes, seeing animations that explain how the machinery operates and the benefits it offers.

This level of detail provides a clear and compelling demonstration of the machinery’s capabilities, making it easier for potential clients to grasp the value and advantages of Kolbus’s solutions. In the process, we worked with our partner company, Luxoom, to create the product story and show concept. 

The Benefits

Using REVELATE XR at their trade show offered numerous advantages, including reduced transportation costs, and the ability to showcase their large machinery without physical constraints, worldwide. Kolbus XR not only showcased the capabilities of Kolbus’s machinery but also positioned the company as a leader in technological innovation within their industry.

The use of XR technology demonstrated Kolbus’s commitment to embracing new advancements and finding creative solutions to industry challenges. This modern and forward-thinking approach resonated with visitors, reinforcing Kolbus’s reputation for excellence and innovation.

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Ready to take your XR
projects to a new level?

Ready to take your XR projects to a new level?



A phygital machine show

We give real world tire-kickers the opportunity to take a look into their agricultural machines by opening them up with VR and MR.


Traditional trade shows often face the challenge of physically showcasing large and complex machinery. Transportation, setup, and space constraints can limit the ability to effectively demonstrate these machines. Kolbus faced the added challenge of not being able to bring their entire machine to the fair. To overcome this, they needed to find a way to demonstrate their innovative power and engineering excellence to visitors.

The Solution

We created the Kolbus XR app to extend one physical machine part virtually. Through the use of VR (Virtual Reality), AR (Augmented Reality), and MR (Mixed Reality) technologies, Kolbus XR creates a seamless integration of the digital and physical worlds. One of the standout features of the Kolbus XR application is its ability to demonstrate the inner workings of the machinery. Visitors can visualize the internal processes, seeing animations that explain how the machinery operates and the benefits it offers. In the process, we worked with our partner company, Luxoom, to create the product story and show concept. 

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Using REVELATE XR at their trade show offered numerous advantages, including reduced transportation costs, and the ability to showcase their large machinery without physical constraints, worldwide. Kolbus XR not only showcased the capabilities of Kolbus’s machinery but also positioned the company as a leader in technological innovation within their industry. This modern and forward-thinking approach resonated with visitors, reinforcing Kolbus’s reputation for excellence and innovation.

Ready to take
your XR projects
to a new level?